Putting My Experience
to Work
その後、芸能界へ転向し「ブシロード Navigation English Ver」で初仕事。TOKYO GAME SHOW、おもちゃショー、ヴァンガードステージ、声優トークショー、読売新聞社、パリクラブのシンポジ ウムイベント、ふるさと納税感謝祭、NHKアニメ「ソッキーズフロンティアクエスト」、森永製菓のキョログラミングイベントではマヂカルラブリーと共演し、MCとして現在も活躍中。
また、ラジオパーソナリティとしての顔もあり、FM REDSWAVE、楽天FM、レインボータウンFM等でメインもサポーターもこなす。更に、International TV School YU CAN Do IT!の「たぷたぷアニメ英語版」や「キューブクリエイター3D公式ガイドブック」の翻訳等も手がけた。
日米の価値観を軸にプレイヤー、クリエイター、ユーザーとしての多角的な視点を実経験から学ぶうち、いつしかブランディン グプロデューサーとしてインフルエンスの仕掛けを得意とする仕事を手がけるようになる。
I can help you as a member of creating zero value to 100 and 100 value to 1000 by enhancing the value of your products, services, and people. I can handle Branding Product Creation and Brandy Production, including Marketing.
I lived abroad since my childhood, and after graduating from university, I worked for an IT company.
Later, I switched to the entertainment industry and worked for the first time in "Bushiroad Navigation English Ver."
TOKYO GAME SHOW, Toy Show, Vanguard Stage, Voice Actors Talk Show, Yomiuri Shimbun, Paris Club symposium event, Furusato Tax Appreciation Festival, I am still active as an MC for NHK's anime "Socky's Frontier Quest" and Morinaga Seika's “Kyoro Guramming” event with Magical Lovely.
I am also a radio personality, and have been a main and supporter of FM REDSWAVE, Rakuten FM, Rainbow Town FM, and others. I have also translated "Tapu Tapu Anime English Version" and "Cube Creator 3D Official Guidebook" for International TV School YU CAN Do IT!
Through his experience, I have learned the multifaceted viewpoints of a player, creator, and user based on the values of Japan and the U.S. I have also become a branding producer, specializing in influential devices.